Lesson 1

Lección 9/21 | Tiempo de estudio: 10 Min
Lesson 1


Nationality (Country)
(United States of America)
(United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland)

Indicando la nacionalidad - "Indicating the nationality"

🔊Soy de México
I am from Mexico.
🔊Soy mexicano/mexicana
I am Mexican.
Nationality of the other person - "Nacionalidad de la otra persona"
  • Él/Ella es de (país). (He/She is from (Mexico).)
  • Él/Ella es (nacionalidad). (He/She is (Mexican).)

🔊Él es de Francia.
He is from France.
🔊Él es francés.
He is French.

Indicating the origin - "Indicando el origen"

  • Él/Ella es de (origen) mestizo/a. (He/She is of mixed (origin) mestizo.)
  • Él/Ella es mestizo/a. (He/She is mestizo.)

🔊Soy mestizo/a
I am mestizo.

Discussing the profession - "Discutiendo la profesión"

Cuando hablas de la profesión de ti mismo y de otra persona, utiliza el presente simple y los pronombres demostrativos

  1. Yo soy (profesión). (I am a (teacher).)
  2. Él/Ella es (profesión). (He/She is a (teacher).)

🔊Yo soy estudiante
I am a student.
🔊Él es médico.
He is a doctor.

Recuerda que los artículos definidos (The, a) se utilizan antes de la profesión

Practiquemos lo aprendido.

Ella es española.

Él es brasileño.

Ellos son japoneses.

Yo soy alemán.

Él es australiano.
Nosotros somos canadienses.


Practica tu pronunciación, graba un audio en el cual especifiques tu origen, nacionalidad y profesión.



There are four people in our class from different countries. Anna is from Germany. She is 25 years old. Pedro is from Mexico. He is 32 years old. Mei is from China. She is 27 years old. Ahmed is from Egypt. He is 29 years old. They all enjoy sharing their cultures and traditions with each other. Anna loves talking about German food and festivals, Pedro enjoys teaching his classmates about Mexican traditions, Mei often shares interesting facts about Chinese history, and Ahmed enjoys showing pictures of Egypt.

1. Ana is from Germany. Ana is

2. How old is Pedro?

3. Mei is Chinese. Mei is from


Doctor: A doctor is a person who takes care of people's health.

Teacher: A teacher is someone who helps others learn.

Engineer: An engineer is a person who designs and builds things.

Chef: A chef is a person who prepares delicious meals and dishes.

Artist: An artist is a person who creates art.

Police officer: A police officer is a person who helps maintain law and order in the community.

Firefighter: A firefighter is a person who fights fires and helps in emergencies.

Nurse: A nurse is a person who provides medical care and assistance to patients.

Farmer: A farmer is a person who cultivates crops and raises animals for food production.

Pilot: A pilot is a person who operates aircraft and flies planes.


1. He is a person who takes care of people's health.

2. A person who flies planes.

3. A person who teaches new things to others.

Questions 2

Write the correct answer.